
Coke Farm


If you’re a co-op regular, you’ve probably seen Coke Farm’s label on a variety of goods from snap peas to dandelion greens to radishes - ever wondered how they came to have such a broad array of fruits, greens, and vegetables?

Coke Farm has been certified organic since 1981, when Dale Coke (one of the founding members of CCOF) started growing strawberries on a ¼; acre plot to prove to a conventional farmer that the delicate berries could be grown organically. The crop did well, and a local natural foods store became the first Coke Farm wholesale customer. Fresh from his success with strawberries, Dale began planting more crops, and within a year Coke Farm had expanded, growing specialty produce like microgreens for upscale restaurants on both coasts.

Since then, Coke Farm has grown deep roots and strong connections. The farm itself now harvests over 50 varieties of crops from 450+ acres, while Coke Farm has also grown into an organic produce aggregation and distribution company based in San Juan Bautista, CA. Representing a diverse group of more than 60 organic fruit and vegetable growers (from 5 acre farms to 1,000+ acre ranches) around the Central Coast, Coke Farm works with farmers to develop growing plans as well as aggregating and distributing their produce. Coke Farm is dedicated to farming organically to better the health of the community it is part of, from the health of the environment and of their employees to the lucky people who get to taste their delicious produce!


Photos © Coke Farm

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