
The Downtown Women's Center

The Co+op has been sharing in the community outreach and kindness of long-time Co+op member, Melissa Ward!

Melissa is a certified nutritional consultant, and has been a member of the Co+op since the 1980's. She was actively involved in the Co+op some years back helping with nutritional articles for the prited newsletter. She also taught cooking classes for the Co+op, which provided members and shoppers with creative ways that Co+op products could be used. 

For the past three years, Melissa has been sowing the seeds of her knowledge and compassion at the Downtown Women’s Center on Skid Row.

"I’ve been running a nutritional group that meets once a month for an hour and a half called, 'Healthy Bites'. It has evolved, especially with the added support of the Co+op, into a tea party, health, rap group where I introduce various medicinal teas from the Co+op. The women LOVE these teas and are finding great benefit using them.

We have a tea party using mainly Traditional Medicinal and Yogi Tea accompanied by gluten free cookies and fresh fruit. They love the coconut date rolls from the produce section as well. I budget for additional things to give away such as individual instant soup, oatmeal and Spry gum.

I also try to buy one thermal water bottle to raffle off, as most of these women sleep in shelters and missions at night. They can only take one thing to bed with them. Thermal water bottles allows them to make a nice batch of herbal tea and have it at night. I give away many bags of the various teas to them, too."

If you you would like to learn more about the Downtown Women's Center or are interested in volunteering, visit their website:


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