
Julie Ward is passionate about making healthy food delicious. Her mission is to educate people on how their digestive system affects their health, so everyone can make better choices about what they eat to be healthy and happy.  She has been researching foods, herbal remedies, and making changes to her diet for the last 25 years. She had to change her diet due to a history of digestive issues, brief battle with depression, and to have more focus in life. Her diet continues to evolve with plant-based nutrition and herbs.

She created Fresh Food Alchemy as a culmination of her life. It was born as a crusade to educate people on nutrient dense foods, change their perceptions of eating healthy and receive more energy from the food they eat.  Julie helps you bring back the joy and excitement of good food by getting you back into the kitchen excited to try new recipes and vegetables. By eating high vibration nutrient dense foods, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and mindset everyone can prevent and reverse most chronic illnesses.

Julie holds a certificate in Plant–Based Nutrition from eCornell, is a Plant-Based Chef, a certified ACE Health Coach, an herbalist student at East West School of Planetary Herbology, has a Masters in Public Policy from USC, and a B.S. in Mathematics from Spelman College. She helps you find Joy, Love and Vitality in every bite.

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